
Dennis Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I type 
>  "gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=printer -sOutputFile=\|lpr filename.ps"

Perhaps it is not quite good advice, but I suggest to install
magicfilter package. It will allow you to install some filters, which
would handle conversion from PS to your printer.

The second - instead of "printer" look for know to ghostscript names
of printer. You will get list of devices after
$ ghostscript -h

Unfortunatelly, I don't really know what device it good enough for
your printer.

> A second problem is the .tex file I'm eventually going to print is 310 pages
> long, so I will need some way of printing small parts of the file.

You could make a booklet of that, using psutils package. If you would
have questions about it, mail me. The booklet will be half smaller,
with to pages on one paper sheet.


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