Stelios Parnassidis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  Just had the base system installation of Hamm, and wanted
>  to type 'which superformat'. 'h' beeps and beeps ... i have
>  to type Ctrl-V h to use it.
>  I looked into the /etc/terminfo/l/linux via ... (untic) 
>  could find nothing.
>  What's wrong with my very 'h'?       Heh? :(

Could it be a missing backslash or caret in your /etc/inputrc?  A
mis-quoted section of your bash initialization files?  It sounds
almost as if bash is set to interpret "h" as "delete-next-character"
(something that people sometimes want the delete key to do; I can see
how on a poorly thought-out installation, one might want Control-h to
do this).  See if "h" does indeed behave this way by typing some
stuff, backing up, and seeing if you can delete things with "h".

To track down the problem, I'd suggest doing: (at the bash prompt)
bind -p | less
and inside less search for "h"  (less doesn't use readline, so it
shouldn't be affected by the weird-h stuff).  Then, I guess I'd look
at /etc/inputrc, ~/.inputrc, and the various bash initialization files 
for anything that might be causing this.

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