On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 10:16:04AM -0400, Michael B. Taylor wrote:
> > 
> > (1) What is the difference between linux-2.0.34.tar.gz
> >       and kernel-source-2.0.34_2.034-4.deb.

Try a recursive diff on both source trees, and you'll notice that the debian
kernel tree is patched with some security related patches etc. Maybe the
changelog.Debian in the /usr/doc/kernel-source... directory will tell you

> > (2) How to build a custom kernel with
> >       kernel-source-2.034_2.0.34-4.deb
> >      step by step please (I knew how to build
> >      it with  linux-2.0.34.tar.gz)

You can do it in the very same way!

For your convenience, you can use the kernel-package instead, but you can
use this with both source trees, too!

make config
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
cd ..



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