>   Hi.  I really need some help here.  I have fetchmail working fine. It pops
> my mail off my ISP's server just fine.  I can't figure out how to make smail
> send mail through my account on my ISP to the internet when I am logged in.
> If I use netscapes mail it works fine.  I have looked through man smail, man
> smailconfig and /etc/smail/* files.  Does smail need a password somewhere to
> 'pop' mail on to my ISP's mail server for delivery or does it even have to
> deal with my ISP's mail server when sending?  Please help.
Assuming that smail is configured correctly, you only need to
whenever you are connected to your ISP and want the accumulated mail to get 
you can take a look at the log file (/var/log/smail/logfile) while you are 
doing that to see what happens.
BTW, with my system and ISP, getting the accumulated mail pass to my ISP may 
take some time.
To verify that all the mail has been sent, you can use 
on my system, when all its mail has been deleivered, it looks like
        bash-2.00$ mailq

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