On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 03:59:34PM -0700, James Brown Ender/Gcc" wrote:
> I'm having trouble using an NE2000 network card in Debian.
> I've installed debian, alls fine, but whenever I put the network card
> in (Which, btw, works fine under dos), the kernel locks up during boot.
> The last thing I see before it locks up is: md MAX... and some other
> stuff.
> The Install program does the same.
> Anyone know how to fix this?

Try something like

linux reserve=0x300,0x20

at the LILO prompt, if the base address is 0x300; substitute as
appropriate. Once it boots, recompile the kernel to have only
the drivers you need. This is usually caused by non-NE2000 drivers probing
the NE2000 card; using reserve stops them doing that, and since the NE
driver looks at that address in particular (rather than probing)
it is allowed to have it.

Also, 0x300 (if you're using it) is a bit disaster prone, since a lot
of cards probe there; I suggest 0x280, 2A0, 2C0, or 340. 360 is bad
because it overlaps with lp1 at 0x378, and 320 may be bad if you have
a MIDI adapter (eg on SB16) at 0x330.

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