
I am using Debian for some time now and something is really bothering me:
using the compose key to get accented characters (that 3 key strokes instead of
2 and not very ergonomic).

As a Portuguese speaker very often I need to write documents where there are
lots of accents and most of the X applications don't support them well. 

I would like to know if there is any STANDARD way to add to X the ability to
deal with dead keys. 

I am already using a package called:


which, in spite of some small bugs, it works well. It uses a kernel-patch and
a daemon to translate accents when we use the keyboard in raw mode (i.e. on
X). After I installed it all my X applications started working: netscape,
staroffice and more.
But I am no hacker, so I feel uncomfortable on using such non-official kernel
patches. More than that, if I understood well some comments from the authors
this package introduces some security problems (that I think are not important
to me since my computer is stand-alone with only ppp access to the net trough
a provider).

So once more my question: is there any canonical way to convince X to work
with dead keys?

Surely such a support would be very welcomed by lots of Latin languages

Thank you.


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