"Amanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| I have just started to install Debian Linux.  I don't think I got past first
| base.
| After making my floppies I rebooted with the resc1440.bin disk firmly in the
| drive.  On the first screen I pressed Enter heres what I got :
| boot:
| Loading root.bin.....................
| Loading linux..................
| Uncompressing Linux...........
|     crc error
| --System halted
| I have read heard about problems with bad floppies.  The same happend with
| the 3rd floppy.  I bought a brand new pack of floppies today so I would  be
| less likely to have a problem ( they are even branded ).
| Is this a common problem.
| Machine is a HP Vectra.  P200 with 64MB Ram.
| Regards

I don't know how common it is but it happened to me. After going
through about 3 floppies trying to fix the problem I bit the bullet
and installed md5 on my IRIX machine, where I was building the
floppies. After checking the floppy images with md5 I found that one
of them had been corrupted, I guess during the ftp download. So, it
wasn't the floppy, but the image itself that was bad. I downloaded
that particular image again, checked it with md5, made the new floppy
and it worked like a champ!

Just something to check.

Good Luck,

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