On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Cougar wrote:

> [mod: It is slightly less trivial than 'chroot("/")', but if you can
> execute arbitrary code as root, you can break out of the chrooted
> environment. --REW]
> My idea is to run named non-root UID/GID. As named needs to bind port 53
> which is below 1024 there are problem to execute it. One solution is to
> rewrite named code (like httpd) another is to make the hole into the
> kernel. Both are nonstandard solutions. There are also possible to use
> [mod: Patches are floating around. -- REW]

Patches?  Bind 8.1.2 has command-line options for running as non-root
UID/GID and chrooted.  It binds to port 53 before dropping root.  This is
only a problem if you have interfaces appearing/disappearing randomly that
you need named to bind to.  Most real name servers probably don't have
that problem.

 Jon Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  Spammers will be winnuked or 
 Network Administrator       |  drawn and quartered...whichever
 Florida Digital Turnpike    |  is more convenient.
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