If vi said lines were too long, then you can not use vi to see all of the file.
If vi ran out of tmp space, then try setting TMPDIR env var to point to a place
that has up to ?? amount of space.  I can't remember if vi needs double the
original file space or not.  That would mean either 700M or 1.4G...  Be ready
to wait a while for vi to bring up the file.
The same trick might work for emacs but I don't
know much about the limitations of emacs (I haven't hit any yet).


From:   Carlos Marcos Kakihara[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Friday, July 17, 1998 10:46 AM
To:     Debian List
Cc:     The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject:        Long text file to edit..

        I want to edit a 700MB text file. vi tells that the file is
too long, and xemacs tells that "maximum buffer size something.." :)
        There is a way to view this file?

Carlos Marcos Kakihara (bacate)

Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba (EEP)
Departamento de Informatica



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