I'll assume the thing was written in C.

Well.  Don't expect it to work out of the box.  But if it uses only
the standard library, you may have luck with the mingw32 stuff at:


I haven't tried it myself, as I usually compile from Win95.  BUT I've
used a similar tool suite (the only difference is that the compiler is
egcs, and it is a native version, not a cross-compiler) with some
success.  If you need to port a full utility, you may have better luck
with Cygnus' gnu-win32 tool suite.  Take a look at


They propose a rather complete POSIX environment under NT.  Note that
this ain't a cross-compiler; you need to compile from NT.  There may
be cross compilers using that tool suite for Linux lying around (I
think I recall seeing a .deb for that at one point, but I don't know
if it's still alive).

Benoit Goudreault-Emond -- Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CoFounder, KMS Group.  Student, B. CompEng, Concordia University.
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