>> "RHR" == Robert Henry Rati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

RHR> I wanted to setup pon so that any user can use it who is in a secific
RHR> group.  I set the group up and set permissions, but when I try to run
RHR> /usr/sbrin/pppd, I get this message:
RHR> /usr/sbin/pppd: must be root to run /usr/sbin/pppd, since it is not
RHR> setuid-root

I have 
$ ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-xr--   1 root     dip        105532 Jun 19 02:59 /usr/sbin/pppd*

So anybody in group dip can run pppd, and it will run as root.


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