Ok, I've got a .xinitrc file that starts a window-manager et. al. 
> However, X's startup sequence seems to be dysfunctional;  it no longer
> reads /etc/X11/Xresources automatically.  I have to include an xrdb line
> in .xinitrc to force it to read Xresources.  I never used an .xinitrc
> file before.  Before installing GNOME everything worked fine.  Does
> GNOME effectively require every user to have an .xinitrc file?  Is
> anyone using it without an explicit .xinitrc file?

You use 'startx' to start X? Have a look at /etc/X11/init/xinitrc (I 
think) and see which files from your home-dir it uses.


| TU Delft, The Netherlands, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems  |
|                   Department of Electrical Engineering                    |
|           Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section             |
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