Hi, please respond to me in private email.

Debian 1.3
Kernel 2.0.34
Sendmail 8.9.1

I compiled the source, but looks like, something wrong, because newaliases says
always this: Cannot rebuild aliases: not database format defined.
I need only the simplest aliases file, just for remapping root and postmaster
account to my account.

Another problems is configurable error, I think, I hasn't the good .mc file for
building the correct sendmail.cf. I use fetchmail to get my mails, and I want
to deliver all incoming mail to the local sendmail, to user root. When I run
fetchmail, I get these errors:
SMTP 501, sender domain must exist
SMTP 553, <root> domain name required.

So, I need only these features, it seems, I'm to newbie to build my own site
config, and sendmail.mc file for linux:

- simpley aliases file for remapping root/postmaster to my account
- use smarthost verne.sea.hu
- masq all (inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) outgoing address to sea.hu
- use procmail as local mailer
- accept incoming sessions from all sea.hu and alarmix.net subdomains
- no cannon/dns support

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