At 01:47 PM 7/20/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>Do you have the IP-Masquerade / IP-Firewall package installed? (I forget
>the actual name.)  I had similar problems after installing the ipmasq
>tools.  Seems the install scripts set up a really strict rules set to
>protect the Linux machine from attack over the net.  The rules were so
>strict I couldn't get my windows machine (or any other) to talk to my
>Linux box via IP.  I changed the firewall rules and that fixed the problem
>for me.  You may need to experiment with the rules to get a set that works
>for you (or sacrifice the security benefits and change the default policy
>to allow - not generally a good thing).
As far as I know I don't have that installed. I will double check.
>>From what you posted the network setup look ok, and your ethernet card is 
>seeing traffic (so it is apparently configured correctly).
Yup. But machines see traffic through tcpdump in debian and the performance
monitor in Nt but neither machine acts like it can see the other.

Thanks for the reply

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