Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
| > 
| > Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > | I want to test my 256megs but can't figure out arguments.  Can anyeone
| > | tell me the proper command line arguments to run the memtest?
| > 
| > Oops! Right after I sent that first reply I noticed my error. I used
| > bytes instead of bits. That calculation should've been:
| > 
| > ((256*1024^2)*8)/32 = 67108864
| > 
| > memtest 67108864 <n>
| > 
| > where <n> = the number of iterations you want to perform should do the
| > trick.
| > 
| > Sorry for the mistake in the first message.
| > 
| > Gary
| what would happen if I use a number bigger than your, e.g. 67108865 or
| even 70000000?

Not sure. I'd hope that memtest would catch the fact that you're
requesting a test on more memory than you have and then either test
all that you have or report the error and exit. Without trying it, or
reading the source code, it's hard to say though.


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