I'm a relative newbie to using ipchains (as well as ipfwadm) for setting up
masquerading and forwarding of packets from an internal network, via a gateway,
to the internet in general.

To be specific, while I have gotten ipfwadm (and the associated rules) set up
so that I can at least ftp to external sites, I have not had any luck in
converting the ipfwadm commands/instructions to the ipchains format.  As I do
not wish to use the ipfwadm-convert script, I am trying to rewrite what few
rules I have so that they conform to ipchains requirements.

My internal network is simple, consisting of three systems, one of which is
the gateway connecting the other two, via a cable-modem, to the internet.

My distribution is Debian, with a combination of HAMM and SLINK installed.

My setup is shown below.
                            24.1.zz.ww    <--- external gateway to internet
                            24.1.xx.yy    <--- external NIC 
                                |  gateway system (GS)
                    <--- internal NIC
                             /     \
                           /         \
                         /             \
                       /                 \
               internal sys #1     internal sys #2
                    (IS1)               (IS2)

The ipfwadm rules on the GS system are:
(With the exceptions as noted, everything listed below was automatically set
 up when I originally installed and configured the networking system)

# deny incoming packets pretending to be from
ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S -W eth0 -D 0/0 2>/dev/null || true
ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S -W eth1 -D 0/0 2>/dev/null || true
ipfwadm -I -i deny -o -P all -S -W eth0 -D 0/0 >/dev/null
ipfwadm -I -i deny -o -P all -S -W eth1 -D 0/0 >/dev/null

# deny incoming packets pretending to be from our own system.
# set your own IP address below (or use `hostname -i` to set it).
my_ip=24.1.xx.yy (Changed to reflect my actual IP)
ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S $my_ip -W eth0 -D 0/0 2>/dev/null || true
ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S $my_ip -W eth1 -D 0/0 2>/dev/null || true
ipfwadm -I -a deny -o -P all -S $my_ip -W eth0 -D 0/0 >/dev/null
ipfwadm -I -a deny -o -P all -S $my_ip -W eth1 -D 0/0 >/dev/null
ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -P tcp -S (user added)
ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -P udp -S (user added)

On each of the internal systems, the ipfwadm rules are:

# deny incoming packets pretending to be from
ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S -W eth0 -D 0/0 2>/dev/null || true
ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S -W eth1 -D 0/0 2>/dev/null || true
ipfwadm -I -i deny -o -P all -S -W eth0 -D 0/0 >/dev/null
ipfwadm -I -i deny -o -P all -S -W eth1 -D 0/0 >/dev/null


The corresponding ipchain rules, which I have set up so far, are given below:

On the GS system, they are:

echo -n "Setting up IP spoofing protection..."
ipchains -D input -j DENY -l -s -i ! lo 2>/dev/null || true
ipchains -A input -j DENY -l -s -i ! lo

# deny incoming packets pretending to be from our own system.
# set your own IP address below (or use `hostname -i` to set it).
my_ip=192.168.52.zz (changed to reflect my actual internal IP's)
ipchains -D input -j DENY -l -s $my_ip -i ! lo 2>/dev/null || true
ipchains -A input -j DENY -l -s $my_ip -i ! lo
ipchains -A forward -p TCP -j MASQ -s -d (user added)
ipchains -A forward -p UDP -j MASQ -s -d (user added)

On the internal systems, the ipchain rules are:

# deny incoming packets pretending to be from our own system.
# set your own IP address below (or use `hostname -i` to set it).
ipchains -D input -j DENY -l -s $my_ip -i ! lo 2>/dev/null || true
ipchains -A input -j DENY -l -s $my_ip -i ! lo
ipchains -D input -j DENY -l -s -i ! lo 2>/dev/null || true
ipchains -A input -j DENY -l -s -i ! lo


'ipchains -L' on the GS shows:

Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
target     prot opt     source                destination      ports
MASQ       tcp  ------  johari.com/24         anywhere         any ->   any
MASQ       udp  ------  johari.com/24         anywhere         any ->   any

'ipchains -L' on both of the internal systems shows:

Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
Chain output (policy ACCEPT):


The setup, despite the fact that I only have three systems (one of which is
the gateway system), seems to be very complicated - especially for someone
who is just starting to learn how to use masquerading and forwarding.

My questions are:

1. Am I on the correct track for the rules on the gateway system?

2. Do I need rules forwarding packets from the internal NIC to the external

3. On the internal systems, do I need to specify where the packets are to be
   forwarded (using ipchains rules)?  If so, what form do they take?

4. When using ipfwadm (on 2.0.xx kernels), I have the GS as an internal gate-
   way for the other two internal systems.  Is this necessary for ipchains?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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