I did restart Netscape after removing libnullplugin.so.
I didn't have to stop it, because it had already crashed  :)
The problem persists.  Do I need any special libraries (-dev)?

I will make the change regarding LD_PRELOAD this evening
when I get home from work.

Thanks for the help.  I greatly appreciate this list.


Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
(405)366-6520 x4237


> *-Russ Cook (22 Jul)
> | I tried removing libnullplugin.so, as suggested, but the problem
> Did you quit and restart Netscape after doing so?
> | Also, I noticed a problem similar to one reported here a while back -
> | entering
> | info into a text box (such as a Yahoo search criteria) generates
> | superfluous
> | characters which mess up the search and cause error windows to pop up.
> | 
> Anders Hammarquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> responded with this to that post of
> mine:
> #### Andres ######
> It's a bug in Netscape, however there is a cure. If you set
> LD_PRELOAD to /lib/libBrokenLocale.so.1 the problems go away. If you
> are using the Debian wrapper, the easiest way to get it set is to
> edit /usr/bin/X11/netscape (it's a script). Look for the folloing
> section and add the export LD_PRELOAD= line:
> #
> # Set some env vars to make things work better
> #
> #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/netscape:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libBrokenLocale.so.1
> MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
> display=$DISPLAY
> if you are not using the wrapper, alias netscape to run
> env LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libBrokenLocale.so.1 netscape
> #### Andres ######
> -- 
> Brian 
> Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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