In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Shaleh wrote:
>We have done all the work needed to support libc6 for you.  Please do
>not make yourself go through more hassle than needed.  apt has a upgrade
>feature which will update your system.  We also have an ""
>script on the ftp site which will update for you as well.

This stuff always seems odd to me.  Has autoup stopped killing
people's systems?  Is Apt in stable?

Some folks want to use Debian, not develop it.  Those  people (say,
me) prefer to use only stuff in stable, because our goal is to *avoid*
buggy software, not improve it.

I do some beta testing, but I like to do it on purpose and only on
packages I *know* I'm beta testing.
Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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