On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Curt E. Spann wrote:

>     I am wondering if there is any Linux version of the boot screen like
> in Win95.  So as linux is booting instead of seeing all that informtion
> it will be a graphical image of Linux or something. If there isn't one
> I would like to make one.  Is it even possibly to make it?  Will I have
> to modify the kernel or what? 

        The problem is mostly that linux doesn't do graphics in the kernel
-- you'd have to start x or svgalib _while_ the kernel is booting to show
a logo like that,  which I don't think can be done (X and SVGlib both seem
to depend on things that are done during the boot process).
        There is an ascii-linux-logo program floating around someplace (no
clue where),  or you could design an ascii-logo and just dump it to the
screen at some point early in the boot scripts.

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