>> "KW" == Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

KW> One more question; after making a change like that, can you get the system
KW> to see the change without rebooting? I suspect you can, but I don't know
KW> how, so I just rebooted, which worked fine. But I'd like to know for future
KW> reference.

[Please use your quoting the other way round. I like to read from left 
to right and from *top* to *bottom* ]

As root do a lsmod. You get an output like:

lsmod# lsmod
Module         Pages    Used by
softdog            1            1 (autoclean)
misc               1    [softdog]       1 (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1      1            2 (autoclean)
nls_cp437          1            2 (autoclean)
sound             24            0
vfat               4            2
fat                6    [vfat]  2
nls                1    [nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 vfat fat]      0
smc-ultra          1            1
8390               2    [smc-ultra]     0
hisax             23            2
isdn              21    [hisax] 5
slhc               2    [isdn]  1

smc-ultra is the module for my NIC.

- Shut down the use of the NIC
    ifconfig eth0 down
- Change the configline in /etc/conf.modules
    options smc-ultra io=0x300

Now reload the module

- Load the module
    modprobe smc-ultra
  You should see some output with tail /var/log/syslog
- Reenable the networking

I like Linux, no reboot :-)



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