I just updated the system to hamm and tried to install rvplayer5.0,
however I can't make it work. After dpkg -i rvplayer_5.0-2.deb 
and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH virable, first I tried to run rvplayer 
directly with the included welcome.rm, but no sound was played out
(I can cat *.au > /dev/audio and it's fine). Actually it only showed
a few images after I clicked some menu button (such as preferences).
When I chosed File->Open Location->pnm://video.real.com/welcome.rm, 
it said "playing 19.1 Kbps network stream ..." but did nothing. 
I also tried to use it in netscape(4.04) following the instruction, 
however, it was even worse, I got error messages like 
"sh: rvplayer/tmp/MO35BAB6600D010B.ram: No such file or directory", which
I don't understand at all. 

Could anyone give some suggestion? Thanks a lot in advance.


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