
when i change my screen resolution to a lower one i always get a screen
which is not fixed, this means I can scroll it around and i can't see
the whole screen. Is it possible to change that?

My next question is about Netscape 4.05 . When i set up my mail and news
server i always get the message "unknown host mail.gmx.de" or
"news.gmx.de". I tried that on- and off-line but both did not work. Do I
have to list them in a config file somewhere? 

My last question is a bit off topic. I'm a newbie in the Linux world and
would like to change totally from this toy os Windoze to Linux. On both
systems I use Netscape 4.05 and i want to use my mail and news files in
my mail and news directories which i got from Netscape (windows) in my
linux Netscape. Momentarily a got a fat 16 partition which I mount and
on which i got my mail and news files, so i changed the directory setup
in Netscape (linux) to these dirs. But nothing happened. Has someone
done this already and can help me?

Any help would be appreciated. 

Thanks in advance.


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