On Sun, 26 Jul 1998, George Bonser wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Jul 1998, Xiaonan Ma wrote:
> > 
> > After updated the system, now when I logged in and started X, 
> > the system always automatically logged me out saying "no keyboard
> > touch for 63 minutes ...", even though I did work under X (looks like
> > it only checked the tty which I logged in on). I checked
> > /var/spool/cron/crontab but didn't find the reason. What should I 
> > do to avoid this? 
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> Are you running idled? If so, get rid of it or change the timeout.

Thanks for your help. But ps didn't show that there is an idled running.


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