On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 10:00:35AM +1000, Manfred Bartz wrote:
> Stuart Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there some way to run more than one X session on my debian PC?
> > 
> > Ideally I would do something like run an 8-bit depth xdm session
> > that logged me into a remote sun computer and a second X session
> > that is 16-bit depth that is my local session.  If it requires a
> > second video card it is no problem.  I would then be able to switch
> > between the two sessions via ALT-F7, ALT-F8 or something.
> If you have enough RAM you can do this:
> Go to a text mode console, if in X use CTL-ALT-Fn to do that.  Fn is
> F6 on my system.
> Start a second X-server with 
>     startx -- :1 -pbb 8
> [stuff deleted]
a better way to do this might be to run an xdm server on the sun box, then start
your second (sun) X session with ``X :1 -bpp 8 -query sunbox'' - you will then
have to log into the sun machine from that X session, but it should behave
exactly as if you logged into the sun durectly, whereas the start xserver,
telnet and run commands is more cumbersome and can have problems with the X
authorization & DISPLAY environ variables. This way is much cleaner.

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
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