On Sun, Jul 26, 1998 at 09:48:13PM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
>       True, but mingetty isn't the standard getty used by debian.  The
> standard getty doesn't clear the screen anyway.  I'm not sure that the
> --noclear switch even applies to it (--noclear is a mingetty switch).  I
> was referring to the fact that not everything that is printed during
> boot-up is stored in a log file anywhere.  This was an issue that came
> up a couple of months ago in this list.  There is currently no way to
> 'fix' this problem (would require major, non-trivial kernel hack - and
> maybe just isn't possible).

I thought it was found to be possible to have the entry in init for
the startup scripts pipe the output in to tee, which can then write
it to both a file and the console? That should capture almost everything.

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