George Bonser wrote:
> One thing that I find common is that newbies do not take the time
> to read the instructions. They think they can "figure it out as they
> go along" like they are used to doing with Windows. That can be 
> disaster with Linux because it will not warn you that you are about to
> erase a partition, it assumes you read the documentation and know what
> you are doing.

This is true, but no matter how much you read, partitioning is still 
very error prone if you've never done it before. I've done so much of 
it that it's second nature, but the first few times are tough - and when 
it comes down to it, you have to do it to learn it. My point was really
that "installing Linux" sort of takes the hit for this, when it really
has nothing to do with Linux itself.

>  A lot of the problem is also Windows' fault. It assumes that it is the
> only OS on the computer and gets cranky when a new OS tries to move in.

The only problem along these lines with Windows is that it insists on
rewriting the MBR when you install it. This can really throw someone 
who's not aware of it, and this practice is dead wrong - no OS should 
ever do that without at least asking. I've never had any other problem
as far as Windows getting along with other OSes.

> The second most common mistake is not reading the dselect documentaion
> and the third mistake is trying to select a bunch of stuff on the first
> pass through dselect. 

This is very true, and let's face it - dselect is damn confusing at
first, especially when you barely know what a "package" is!


> George Bonser
> Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?
> --
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