package: bash
version: 2.01.1-3.1

On Thu, 30 Jul 1998, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> > I do set the path, but it doesn't look like it is being run. (Other
> > statements should print to the screen as an earlier example you ran
> > showed.) "ssh hostname" does execute .bash_profile.
> Ok, let's focus on this.  Anyone have a good idea as to why bash doesn't
> read it's .bash_profile when ssh is given the -t switch and bash is given
> the -login switch?  I'm stumped.

[ Submitting bug report, watch cc's when replying. ]

Dang, it does look like it's a debian problem.  I'm guessing it's a
problem with bash only taking the first arguement after -c and not
handling the --login switch appropriately when -c is given.  Here's an
example of the bug:

[EMAIL PROTECTED](p1):bhmit1$ bash -c echo hello world

[EMAIL PROTECTED](p1):bhmit1$ 


Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Debian Testing Group Status
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