I am having considerable trouble setting up my modem to connect to my ISP. I'm 
sure I have the serial port configured but every time I run pppd via pon I get 
error in the log file. I've read all the HOWTOs and anything else I can find 
no one on this list will ever help you if you don't) and I am still as lost as 
I was
going in. In one of the HOWTOs they mention kermit and another program to test 
connect) the modem. I only have the base installed so I need to know,
1) what am I supposed to use to test that the modem is working?

2) is it a pert of the base install package?
  a) if not where can I get it and what do I need to do to get it running?

3) how can I mount(?) my win95 partition so I can access the files while in
Linux (and vice-versa)? It is a real pain to have to keep switching OSs to read 
lists mail and browse docs online and then try something and switch back and 
well you get the picture.

I can see why people complain about the learning curve. It's not a matter of 
up it, it's just when you do get to a point where ignorance overcomes you and 
no one
is willing to help it gets very frustrating. I'm almost ready to switch back to
Windows (gasp) full-time.
begin:          vcard
fn:             Christopher Wesneski
n:              Wesneski;Christopher
org:            STMicroelectronics
adr:            1310 Electronics Drive;;;Carrollton, Texas;;75006;USA
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:          ASIC Design Engineer
tel;work:       (972) 466-8277
tel;fax:        (972) 466-6572
note;quoted-printable:"I skate to where the puck is going to be,=0D=0A=
	  not where it has been." -Wayne Gretzky
x-mozilla-cpt:  http://sun4s023/~wesneski/;2
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