On Fri, Jul 31, 1998 at 05:36:35PM +0100, Mario Filipe wrote:

> Once again i need help. Where is ssl.h! It used to be in ssleay but not
> anymore. I've looked but in the non-US there is no COntents file so i
> really can't find the darn thing. Can someone give me a hand.

You are right, there's no Contents there... (/me thinks a bug should be
filed against nonus.debian.org)

The file is probably in libssl08-dev_0.8.1-7.deb, in non-US:

$ dpkg --contents hamm/binary-i386/libssl08-dev_0.8.1-7.deb | grep ssl.h
-rw-r--r-- root/root     46150 1998-07-06 07:48 usr/include/ssl/ssl.h


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