I figured out the problem; still working on the solution.

Yes, a person can test the modem by entering "echo ATDT5555555 >
/dev/ttyS[x]". This test verified that my modem is on the same com port as
my mouse (/dev/ttyS3).

Then I found the /var/run/stab file; I tried to edit it, changing the
/dev/ttyS3 to /dev/ttyS4, but after a restart, the file had reverted back,
so apparently that's just a "here's how it's configured" file, not a
"here's how it will be configured" file.

So, any suggestions on how I tell the PCMCIA modem to use a different com


At 05:24 PM 7/31/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>I've got a hamm system. I've had the PCMCIA services and the mouse working
>at the same time, but this was several wipe/reinstalls ago (I'm still early
>in the learning stage).
>The last reinstall I did I forgot to enable PCMCIA during the install. So I
>put it on the back burner.
>Finally I've gotten X working (minimally), so I decided to download/install
>Netscape (via ethernet not PCMCIA modem), and while in dselect, I saw the
>PCMCIA package and remembered that I needed to get that also.
>After the reboot that the PCMCIA package suggested (because of a replaced
>kernel or something - 2.0.34 w/PCMCIA for 2.0.34), everything came back up
>except for the mouse. I ran gpmconfig, and everything seems fine, except
>the mouse doesn't work (no visible cursor at least).
>Win95 reported my PCMCIA modem as being on COM3 (this was before I wiped
>Win95 off); my mouse is on /dev/ttyS1 (which I understand to be what DOS
>calls COM2) which is where it belongs.
>Any clues? As I was writing this, I had the thought that maybe Debian
>somehow moved the modem to com2, which is clobbering the mouse. How would I
>check this?
>Also, in DOS, I could "echo atdt5555555 > com2" at the DOS prompt to see if
>the modem dials that number, then "echo atz > com2" to hang it up. Is there
>anything comparable I can do in Linux, or do I need a terminal program such
>as minicom to do any manual dialing/testing?
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