>> "YE" == Young, Ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

YE> I'd like to set up my machine so that I can dial it up and run it remotely.
YE> I believe that mgetty is the general program, but is there a debian package
YE> which will configure and ask me all the right questions and make all my
YE> dreams come true? (Lately, it seems like 2.0 approaches this)

Mgetty will do it almost automagically. You have to edit
/etc/mgetty/<forgot_the_filename> to tell it which composrt to use.
Then enable it in /etc/inittab and you are done.

When I did this some time ago it was just uncommenting a few lines and 
it was running perfectly.

YE> Something similarly cool would be if I could set it up to listen for a
YE> particular ring pattern (a "one ringer") that signals it to ppp into my isp
YE> and then email me the IP address it has been issued. Then I could telnet to
YE> it or run it as a web server, etc. I'm sure this has been done before. 

There is a programm which does something similar (forgot the name -
ringd or such). There is no debian package AFAIK. Check
www.freshmeat.net or www.linuxnow.com about it.


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