On Mon, Aug 03, 1998 at 10:39:10PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> I have a mixed hamm/slink system which works fine with 2.0.35.  I have
> tried running 2.1.112 and 2.1.114 and can't get pppd to start.  Typing (as
> root) '/etc/init.d/ppp start' doesn't give any error message, but it
> doesn't run. Is there something different required for these newer
> kernels?
> Bob

Read the Documentation/Changes file in the 2.1.114 source. Make sure you
have upgraded everything. Also, turn on full debugging in your pppd
options file(man pppd). If all else fails, recompile pppd 2.3.5 against
2.1.114 headers.

Co-Admin of California.ZUH.net (Azog)
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