>> "GB" == George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

GB> On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, George R wrote:

GB> locations every time it is run. Even if you run it Red Hat's UUCP package
GB> through alien, it will continue to look in /usr/lib/uucp for its configs
GB> rather than the proper /etc/uucp directory. The bad thing is that it ( the
GB> Red Hat package) does not even create the /usr/lib/uucp directory or make
GB> any skeleton config files so the first time you run it, it will crash and
GB> you will not even know why until you run strace on it. 

So what? If the rpm behaves like this, it is broken with regard to
debian quality standards.I haven't used alien a single time. Debian
has more packages than any other distribution. You will hardly find
any standard package that isn't available as a debian package.

As I said in another thread: I am often surprised to find out, that a
programm is already packaged for debian.

If there is some new programm, I install it in /usr/local using stow
for maintainance. If it is a nice package, introduce it in -devel and
ask whether someone can package it.

If we like it, we will package it. And you can become a developer as
well. There are cool helper apps available to make this easy. Believe
me, I don't do any C/C++ and still maintain C/C++ programms. 


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