McGill wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently moved to Debian 2.0 from slackware 3.2 (kernel 2.0.29), and
> I am having trouble getting AOL's instant messenger (AIM) and netscape
> 4.05 running.  When I am in X (using WindowMaker wm...  if that makes a
> difference...) and type ./aim or ./netscape in a xterm, I get
> "Segmentation Fault."  All the correct libs are installed for netscape,
> and I installed and added java support to the kernel.  Does anyone know
> what is causing this problem?

This is due to a bug in netscape. You've only noticed it now because
libc used in debian is less forgiving. The solution is to install
netscape with the aid of "netscape4" debian package (it is in contrib
section I think). 


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