Thanks for the reply!
I've checked my host.conf and I have those entries.
So what could be the problem?

Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

> In /etc/host.conf you need to have something like:
> order hosts,bind
> "bind" is what makes DNS servers get used for lookups. Without it DNS servers 
> will not
> be consulted. The order says where to look first, in this case first 
> /etc/hosts, then
> DNS.
> Alexander Gutfraind wrote:
> > Dear fellow Debian users!
> >
> > Here is my problem:
> >
> > I have desently installed hamm.
> > run pppconfig and it works smoothly.
> > The problems I have is with the DNS. when I type known
> > addresses with
> > numbers they load. but with names they don't resolve.
> > I have only an ISP connection so my resolv.conf has two
> > nameservers, that are 100%
> > correct since I checked them with my provider and they work
> > in windows.
> > I simply cannot find what is wrong.
> >
> > What could be the problem?
> > TIA.
> > sasha.
> >
> > --
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> Jens B. Jorgensen

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