Where can I find the bo distribution?  It seems to have
been removed from ftp.debian.org and its mirrors.  I'm definitely
heading toward hamm; I've been running it on my desktop for a couple
of months.  But I've got 75 or so Debian 1.3.1 systems to maintain in
the mean time, many out at field sites (air traffic control towers,
etc.) running in an operational mode.  OS upgrades for these systems
are simply out of the question, in most cases for months.  Yet they
still need the occasional package, and a new system with the same OS
(1.3.1) is still required occasionally.

        I understand the value of moving to the new release, but this
is a simple maintenance issue.  I've got a 1.3.1 CD, but now I can't
get any 1.3.1 updates, and there were many.  I remember being shocked
when 1.2 disappeared, but I thought by now the value of keeping the
previous release around would be clear.  I even sent a note to the
Debian mirror info. address several months back asking about this,
but never got a response.

        If Debian would like to see wide use in institutions like ours,
we need support for the previous release(s) until upgrades are possible.
I think it's a great fit, otherwise!

        Sorry if I sound cranky! ;)  Any info. would be appreciated.

Tres Hofmeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.rap.ucar.edu/staff/tres/
Research Applications Program   National Center for Atmospheric Research

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