
while setting up a small network from scratch with hamm, I found that
/usr/bin/patch ( patch_2.5-2 ) fails to locate files in directories
deeper than one (eg. *** drivers/sound/lowlevel/init.c ). When patch
prompts for an alternative file name I exactly give `drivers/sound/lo
wlevel/init.c' -- and it worx. ( options like -d or -p are set
properly. )

I examined the whole thing with strace: patch looks for `init.c',
`RCS/init.c' and so on, but misses the path `drivers/sound/lowlevel'
completely. There is no `chdir' call or anything.

Is this a known bug? Am I missing anything? Any hints?

patch is *really* essential for my work. I have to apply a huge scoop
of patches before this network will run entirely. When I'm forced to
apply each patch interactively I'll be busy till xmas. At the time
I'm grabbing the sources of patch...


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