I thought this might be interesting to Debian folks,
too.  As forwarded to CLUE members... 


----- Forwarded message -----

Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 19:17:59 -0600
From: Lynn Danielson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Information Handling Services
Subject: CLUE: [Fwd: WordPerfect 8 for Linux Prerelease]

----- Forwarded message -----

Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 17:36:19 -0600
From: Info Account <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WordPerfect 8 for Linux Prerelease

To the Linux Community:

As you may know, Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux will be shipping in
September.  But as a courtesy to the Linux community, Corel Corporation
is making a pre-release version available for free download via FTP.

This pre-release version is feature complete, and includes all the great
features you've heard about, such as:

Compatibility - file format is consistent with previous versions,
ensuring compatibility with existing documents
Shadow Cursor - point, click and begin typing anywhere on the page
Grammar-As-You-Go™ - identifies phrases in question and provides
Corel® Versions® - keeps track of document revisions for workgroup
Drawing Layer - draw objects directly on top of text, group graphics,
and add color gradient fills or patterns
Table Enhancements - size table rows, and join and split cells with a
single click
Internet Publishing Capabilities - edit or create your document in Corel
WordPerfect 8 and publish it to HTML
Guidelines - changes margins and columns directly on your page
Hyperlinks - automatically creates Internet links from text beginning
with www, ftp, mailto and more
Spell-As-You-Go™ - identifies words that might be misspelled so you can
correct them as you type

See the state-of-the-art in native Linux word processing.  To download
your copy, go to ftp://ftp.sdcorp.com/pub/demos/linux/wp8prerelease.

----- End forwarded message -----

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