On Fri, Aug 07, 1998 at 10:16:07AM +0200, Peter Granroth wrote:
> > Has anyone got true type fonts to work in X?
> > 
> >
> [snip]
> > Xfstt  serves  *ttf  fonts to one X11 server.  Start xfstt
> >        then  tell  X11  about  the  font  server  with  xset  fp+
> >        unix:/7100  or  (assuming  the  X11  server  runs  on host
> > xset fp+ inet/
> > 
> [snip]
> I found the answer myself... (typical, isn't it? I try for hours and then ask 
> someone. Then almost directly I find it myself...) The trick was to change 
> the 
> port number to 7101...

yes...I could have sworn I changed most of the docs to say 7101 instead of
7100...where did you get 7100 from? did I miss something?

btw you said [in previous message..which I just now read 5 mins ago]
that you did xfstt --sync --dir /usr/share/font/truetype 
but...if you use the debina verwsion of xfstt, which is the only
version which defaults to port 7100, is also the only version
to default to /usr/share/fonts/truetype[1]


[1] I talked to Herbert Duerr about this (author) he agrees that /usr/ttfonts
[the outside-debian default] is not a very good place for fonts but doesn't
want to change it because of so many people already using it - I imagine
he would say the same about moving it to port 7101...

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