Hello once more !

Problem 1.

i downloaded source for linux 2.0.34 so that i could recompile with sound.

using 'make config' i chose to install sound as a module (as advised by
some kind ppl) and compiled the kernel by:

a) make dep;make clean
b) make zlilo
c) make modules
d) make modules_install

i also included the vfat & msdos file systems as modules

i enabled the module auto_load feature and note that kerneld is loaded on boot

rebooted & 'uname -a' says that the kernel being used is the one that i
just compiled.

when i try to 'mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win-drive' the error is that the
kernel does not support type vfat.

i later tried to compile again ( & again, & again ... !) to no avail.
thinking that starting the compile with 'make mrproper' would give me a
truly clean compilation i did this but the modules are still not being loaded.

'insmod vfat' generated errors as well (can't remember the errors and can't
re-generate at the moment because i am using windoze to send this - see
Problem 2!)

i have just (10 minutes ago) discovered the debian kernel package thanks to
reading this list - do you think this will help ???

any other ideas/information very much appreciated.

Problem 2.

in my quest for a wysiwyg word processor, i downloaded the Siag package to
/. as this is .tar.gz i 'tar -xzvf <package name>' which unloaded a pile of
files to my poor unsuspecting computer !

i "sort of, accidently" <sheepish smile> deleted one of the library files i
think "libc.so.6.1" or something like that

now, X starts up fine and loads fvwm95 but i cannot get xterm to run -
complains that it cannot find "libXaw3d.so.6" (i think that is the file).

can i and should i use dselect to purge the libc files then download and
install them again ?  if so, how do i do this - when i "experimented"
dselect had a fit trying to tell me how many dependency problems i was
causing !

again, any ideas/information much appreciated.

many thanks to the many helpful people who help "a bear of very little
brain such as i" !


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