>We (A high school) just received a bunch of 486/66 Compaqs.  The idea is
>to turn them in to dumb X terminals (running StarOffice, and Netscape).
>They have small hard drives (200mb), 16 md of RAM, 3 Comm Ethernet cards,
>and vga (svga?) + Monitors.  I was thinking that the base system could
>sit on the drives, and maybe some of the X files (hehe, sorry).  But when
>xdm fires up X, I would like it to connect to our Linux server, (not the
>local machine).  Is this possible, can some give me a few pointers.

Yes, that should definitely be possible (and all the stuff you need should
fit on the disk as well). What you need to install is xbase (unfortunatley
there are some files in xbase that are required to run the X server),
and the appropriate xserver for your card. You need not run xdm on these
machines, instead have it start the X server at boot (adding it to
/etc/inittab is probably easies) and have it ask for a session from your
server (you probably want to run xfs on the server and have the xserver
fetch it's fonts from that).

X -query yourserverbox -fp tcp/yourserverbox:7100

should do what you need if xfs and xdm are running on the server.


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
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