On Sat, Aug 08, 1998 at 02:41:51PM -0400, Keith Vance wrote:
> Prior to installing Debian 2.0 my xfstt font server worked fine. I
> understand that I need to load xfstt with port 7101, but it still
> doesn't work. 

hmmm what version of xfstt are you installing? did you get i tfrom Debian
2.0 (hamm) or from slink?

xfstt 0.9.7 is the version in hamm. That was before I became maintainer.
ONLY version sprior to 0.9.9-3 (or so) need to be on port 7101.

xfstt 0.9.7 still uses port 7100

> I installed the debian package for xfstt. What exactly do
> I need to do to make this work.

where are your fonts? The old location (for 0.9.7) is /var/ttfonts
the NEW location (as of 0.9.9-1) is /usr/share/fonts/truetype 

check teh man page and the docs to see where yours should be

I don't doubt there will be confusion her ebecause...
I became maintainer after the hamm freeze. That means I couldn't
make any of these changes...so while the packages in slink (next version...
unstable now) have these changes (which people have been talkin gabout) they
do NOT exist in the hamm version.

> Sometimes installing the Debian package
> can be more of pain than just installing it manually. When I installed
> xfstt before upgrading it took me about 10 minutes to get it working, I
> installed in manually not with a debian package. I had xfstt loading in
> a startup script so it was available everytime my system boots. Does
> installing the Debian package automatically load xfstt, or do I have to
> do that myself. If I type xfstt in my shell nothing happens.

Th ecurrent versions (prior to 0.9.9) have a script in init.d to startup 
xfstt automagically on startup. I added this and just last night uploaded a 
new version which closes the remaining bugs in this system.

I am sorry you have had troubles...many of these things I can't fix in a deb 
file because it needs to be compatible with all setups...
in this package that has menat requiring manual intervention for
a few of the upgrades...
I have tried to confine this a bit and hopefully starting with 
0.9.9-4 upgrades should require no manual intervention.

Debian xfstt maintainer

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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