I am running Debian 2.0 (hamm) and have all tetex packages and latex2html
installed.... However, when I try to refer to a website in a latex document 
I need to use the latex style file "html.sty". 
This is in the raw latex2html-98.1p1.tar.gz on the ctan archive sites
and should be in /usr/lib/latex2html/texinputs 
Why is it not there ? 

perplexed from dublin
Cormac McGuinness                       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Experimental Physics Department,        Tel:    + 353 1 706 2205
University College Dublin,              Fax:    + 353 1 283 7275
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.            

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