Sean Peterson wrote:
> I have downloaded the 2.0 images from 4 different servers now
> (from 3 different machines in case it was mine causing my
> problem...)
> All 4 dl'ed copies have come in ok with one exception... the
> md5sums are _not_ what they are listed as in the md5sums
> file... they all come out as a different number but all for have
> come out with the _same_ md5sum number, it just does not
> match the one posted....
> Posted md5sum:
> e25491474227b42f61e4185201f4120b
> All 4 copies came out with:
> aed2a0df92ba52878171fb24a911c6dd


I have obtained 100% my Linux via ftp. It really is pointless to do a
+600MB download and then roast a perfectly good blank CD when you are
only going to use 10% of what you roast and then never use that CD
again. Unlike Redhat, you don't need to download 60MB distributed in
over 100 files and then edit the RPM availability file by hand to get a
minimal base system working. Debian doesn't seem to try to make things
impossible for you if you don't buy a CD.

And once you get all the stuff installed from the 2.0 CD you are going
to be updating half of it through ftp anyways in the near future and
you'll be grabbing Slink versions of most of your stuff as well which
isn't on that image.

My connection is a 56k analog modem. If you have ADSL, FTP makes _A LOT_
of sense for you.

If you insist on using the CD image you have right now, if it does
indeed not contain errors, then you can at least save yourself the
roasting of a perfectly good CD by using a bootable Linux floppy with
the loopback device supported in the kernel as well as the iso-9660
filesystem. The loopback device will let you mount the raw CD image on
your disk as though it were on a CD-ROM.

Good luck,

> Can anyone tell me what the <<beep>> is going wrong?
> Are 4 different servers (and three diffrent computers) screwing
> this up  or is it just me?
> Systems:
> One: PII300 with windoze98 (ok... I'm just getting into Linux
> and have yet to find someone in Edmonton Alberta CANADA
> willing to sell me a Debian 2.0 CD _CHEAP_ , they all have
> 1.31 but not 2.0 and I have ADSL and a CD-R...)
> TWO: P-200 (win95a) on Cable
> Three: P-166 (winNT) on ??? at school (I think  ISDN)
> I am lost as to what to do (I know that I can do an FTP install
> and then make cd-packages for my friends afterwards but
> having a bootable CD to work with from the get-go makes life a
> little easier in my eyes....)
> Thanks in advance
> (BTW: if someone in the Edmonton region is reading this and
> you have a copy of 2.0 on CD, please PLEASE let me know :)
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