DOS/Windows will not boot from other than the master drive if there are
any visible DOS primaries on any preceding drives. In other words, it
has to boot from what it interprets to be the C drive.

If you have any DOS primaries on the master drive, temporarily hiding
it/them will usually allow you to boot DOS from a another disk.

If you don't have a convenient way to hide DOS partitions, try this
freeware program, which is also a nice partitioning tool:


Robert Rati wrote:
> I'm trying to setup my computer so that I can boot to Win95, Linux, and
> Dos (basically for dosemu).  I have the dos partition on a SparQ disk
> setup as master on the secondary controller.  When I disconnect my drive
> on the primary controller, I can boot to my SparQ just fine.  I setup Lilo
> to point to /dev/hdc (which is my SparQ in linux) and installed it.  Upon
> trying different variations to make sure mine was right, lilo installed
> itself on my drive on the primary controller.  I can boot to all
> partitions but DOS.  It tells me "Non-System disk or Disk error" when I
> try.  I'm assuming this message is coming from the boot record of my
> SparQ, but don't know why.  On the upside, dosemu gives me the same
> message when I try to use this partition, so if I fix one, I'll probably
> fix both.  Do MS OSes not allow themselves to be booted from a partition
> that is not the primary master or something?  Can anyone help me out or
> provide any help?  Thanks.
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1998-99
> Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
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> "Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled."
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