I'm having an intermittant but recurring problem with the keyboard of my
computer.  Every so often (maybe about 5 or 6 times a day), when I begin
typing, the first keystroke that seems to be received is the  `  key.
Also, about every 30 days or so (although its done it twice today) the
keyboards locks up completely.  Nothing I type on the keyboard seems to be
received by the computer.  I can telnet in from another machine and
everything else about it seems to be running fine.  If I reboot the
machine, then the lockup problem does not recur for a long (usually) time,
like days or weeks.   I can't imagine that this is a hardware problem as
it clears up after a reboot.

This problem occurs when I'm running X.  I don't really know if it would
occur in a console window as I never run that way.  The pertinenet
keyboard settings from my XF86Config are:

Section "Keyboard"
   Protocol        "Standard"
   XkbRules        "xfree86"
   XkbModel        "pc101"
   XkbLayout       "us"
   XkbOptions      "ctrl:swapcaps"

I'm running Debian 2.0 (although this problem also occurred with 1.3). 
Its a Dell Optiplex GXa, 300 MHz PII, etc. that was purchased around
February 1998.  I've only got Debian installed on this machine, no other
OSs.  It is my work computer and normally is left on all the time (except
for keyboard lockup reboots!).  

Has anyone ever experienced anything this?  Any clues as to how to
troubleshoot this?


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