>>>>> "jason" == jason and jill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    jason> Imagine my suprise when I came home this evening to find
    jason> email from Cheapbytes with a fixed script.  Someone from
    jason> Cheapbytes had seen my list post on a usenet mirror, took a
    jason> look at the script, saw the problem, fixed it and emailed
    jason> it to me without my ever having contacted Cheapbytes in the
    jason> first place.

    jason> Script worked great.

    jason> So that should answer any questions anyone might have about
    jason> ordering from Cheapbytes, and put the lie to the folks on
    jason> some of the newsgroups constantly griping about companies
    jason> selling $1.99 CDs.  When is the last time anyone got an
    jason> email from Bill Gates saying "I heard you have a
    jason> problem...here's the fix."

I agree wholeheartedly.  I simply expressed concern regarding the
comment on debian-user -- note that I haven't bought a single CD yet.
They mailed me the script, saying "if you decide to buy it, this
script should work".

That's service!

I think there isn't any question left in my mind who I'll deal with to
get the CDs.

Benoit Goudreault-Emond -- Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CoFounder, KMS Group.  Student, B. CompEng, Concordia University.
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