
After a clean install of Hamm, and also after moving to Slink,
Alt-backspace now sends a simple DEL rather than M-DEL when I'm in an
xterm[*](either at the command-line or when running "emacs -nw".)
Other alt commands (e.g., Alt-D for delete-forward) do work.

[*] i.e., xterm-debian.

It does work (sends M-DEL) when emacs is in its own window.

Anyone know a fix offhand?  It's amazing how much you grow to rely on
the simplest of things sometimes.


Pete Harlan

PS: My system is behaving terribly after the reinstall.  Freezes for
ten seconds aren't uncommon, and got a complete lockup earlier.
Never had any problems before the reinstall.  I assume I'm the only
one.  Sigh.

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