[this is cross posted to the user list, as I want to get some of our kind
users to help with the FAQ-O-MATIC. The idea is that it is "their" FAQ.
Please snip the CC list as appropriate]


On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 07:23:38PM +0200, Jens Ritter wrote:
> As you might have noticed, today I posted a lists of Frequently
> Asked/Answered Questions to debian-user. 

And it is nice. (You could add a link to my homepage for the soundblaster
stuff, in case someone don't can or want install the howto package [I'm the
author of the AWE Howto]. It is

> As you know I am the maintainer of the Problems/stable section of the FoM
> pages available at http://www.debian.org/fom/1.html.

Huh, this reminds me that I'm the maintainer of the  sound section :)

> If you surf the main pages, you will see, that the FoM is not linked from
> them (at least not reachable by following the "support" links). 
> What do you think?

I think the fom is the FAQ of the Debian User. Every User should feel
invited (and a bit responsible), to improve the fom. Whenever someone gets a
good answer from the list, he should submit a fom entry if ever possible. I
never recieved anything from anybody :)
> Should the fom pages be linked from the main pages?

In my opinion, yes. And we should ring the bell so that it is used. It could
be very helpful to reduce the load on debian-user, if the users accept it.

> I think we need to have a FAQ service on the Web Pages as well as a
> frequently posted FAQ (or at least frequently posted which
> questions are answered in the FAQ).

Maybe the FAQ posted to the list should have a pointer to the fom and things
that are not adressed in the fom yet, like very new issues etc.
> Is FAQ-o-Matic the right tool to use? 

It is working, and it is already there, we just have to use it.

> (I ask because I didn`t find a way to delete questions). 

You can, you have to move it into the trash section or so. (I'm a bit
confused by the verfiifcation process, but didn't read the docs yet).

The reason I'm doing little for the fom is that you can only work on it
online, so I can't do it from home (over phone line, *expensive*). If there
is a way to work offline and submit a bunch of changes, this would be

I think we should get the users to use the fom. it is their FAQ, if they
want it. Any users around here who want to see this, too?


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