> *- Peter Granroth wrote about "Re: *.au files ? "
> | > Hello,
> | > i didn't find (maybe I should look more carefully) which audio player
> | > supports SUN's au files. can anybody point me to right place ?
> | 
> | If you just need somethin that can play them from the commad line without 
> all 
> | the bells & whistles with, you can grab playulaw from my ftp site (compiled 
> or 
> | source). The files are 3.7K (stripped) and 4.1K so no long download times :)
> | adress:
> | 
> | ftp://ftp.granroth.ml.org/pub/Sound/
> | (files playulaw and playulaw.c)
> | 
> | PS. I am not the author of the program, just so you know...
> | 
> If you have the /dev/audio and /dev/dsp support compiled into the
> kernel then all you have to do is cat the file to the device.
> % cat <file.au> > /dev/audio
> or 
> % cat <file.au> > /dev/dsp

Guess I didn't think that far huh? I just saw the post, remembered that I had 
the source to that particular program lying around and answered. I think I 
better start thinking faster than I type from now on...

+         Peter Granroth         +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+     http://granroth.ml.org     +       The answer is NO        +

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